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Om R-O Systems

B-104, Sec 10, Noida, U.P.
Ph : 01204356266, 9811456600





Ozone Monitors

Ozone Monitors

Ozone Generators

Ozone Generators

Ozone Monitors


Air Ozonator


About Ozone & Ozonation System

Ozone is a triatomic state of oxygen, each molecule of ozone consists 3 atoms of oxygen and written as O3. It excited state of oxygen with high energy & light blue in colour, detectable due to its distinctive pigment odour & converts back naturally to Oxygen. Below the lowest safe continuous exposure limit of 0.1 ppm, it does not harm persons working in that environment.

It is very reactive & strongest commercially available disinfecting agent, most efficient broad- spectrum microbiological control substance available & the fastest oxidizing agent, 3200 times faster than Chlorine.

When brought into the contact of Air or Water, it destroys all bacteria, viruses & micro-organisms & cysts in a very shot duration. Any kind of decay due to these micro-organisms can be avoided & the shelf life increases when treated with Ozone.


Ozone Methodology

According to IBW A Ozone dissolution of 0.1-0.4 mgs/ltr. Is required to be maintained in the water at the of filling. As a thumb rule for achieving the disinfection of water& lower end of the Ozone dissolution level (Approx.0.1 mg/ltr ) a dosing rate of 2 gms/hr for 1000 ltr/hr is required. However most of the reputed Companies maintain higher Ozone dissolution (0.3to 0.45 mg/ltr ) and to ensure this a dosing rate of 5gm/hr for 1000-Itr /hr-production flow rate is recommended. Ozone is very strong oxidizing & disinfecting power. Which is very beneficial in the treatment of Air, Water & foods items. Ozone decomposes back to Oxygen without leaving any undesirable reactions.

Present methods of sterilization using either chemicals or UV lamps or lionizers or Chlorine etc., is not very much effective. Thus economical way to sterilize & disinfect the product to eliminate all bacteria, viruses & other infections micro-organism in Food & Beverages Industries are turning towards Ozone treatment by Omex ozone generators.


Application Of Ozone Generator Presented by Omex

  • Air Sterilization & Disinfection
    Sterilizing and Killing Bacteria in the Lounge, bedroom ,hotel, restaurant & hospitals rooms, I.C.Us, operation Theaters, Pharmaceutical plants and other clean places.
  • Sterilization in Food Processing Industries
    Cleaning of Vegetables, Fruits Food Processing, Meat, Fish, Dehydrated Vegetables. Washing Foods in ozonised water all surface bacteria, reduces pesticides from the surface and makes the foods healthier while increasing the shelf life by 35 to 50%.
  • Bottled Water Treatment
    Today it is unthinkable to package drinking water ozonation. Ozone offers the final disinfection, based on whish the manufactures offer longer shelf life. A certain amount of residual is maintained while packaging the water.

Ozone Generators





  • Deodorization & Refreshing of Air Effective in removing indoor smoke, airborne particles, bacteria & breaking down harmful substances & preventing infections diseases.
    Deodorizing the refrigerator as well as getting rid of stink of sea foods & retaining their freshness 7 preventing infectious diseases.
  • Water Treatment The advantage of using ozone in water like for water parks, swimming pools, aquariums and almost municipal water, supply plants reduce disinfection, eliminate organic load and control algal growth.
  • Disinfection of Waste Water Effluent treatment & Bleaching- Colour removal, Reduction of COD< Recycling of Industrial waste Water, washing of System, Bleaching of Organic & Inorganic Substances. eg. Ozone Therapy-Skin irregularities, Cleaning & wash Water, Colon Hydrotherapy, Ozone Bath, Ozone Infusion, Auto Hemo-therapy etc.